Monday, August 14, 2006


Where to start?

I saw the client but unfortunately did not visit with Tamara due to obligations. Of course, I do hope to visit with Tamara later this year. If not this year, I will definitely need to make plans for next year. Excellent friends like her are hard to find. I love ya Lady!!! But the boys need to stay home for a couple of hours while we catch up!

Time to change the subject back to the client. She appeared well. For those who are wishing er to return to KC, they sold the house. Her schedule was just hectic and she did need to contact some business (husband's)/Italian friends when she was finishing details. She thought about you all, but she knew that she was not up to being sociable. Since several of you know the client, she was on a mission that she had to get done. She was like her knitting when she was there. Enough said.

On to Chicago, I arrived first. Of course, I had to prepare the room and locate the route for the client to registration. While I was flying, I was knitting a sock from Wick by Knit One and Crochet Too. It knits up quick, but if you have feet larger than my size 6, you will require 3 balls. On my leg from Cincinnati to Chicago, I sat next to a lady who is into fiber arts too but did not know about Stitches. Needless to say, she wrote the information about the market down on a sheet of paper. My enabling started.

Wednesday night- Client and I had a decent dinner (by the way Chicago $$ are high. Stay at the Embassy Suites). We popped the cork on the first bottle of wine. A bottle that I had bought from MO. Stone Hill Norton. Excellent. We only had one glass - I swear!

Thursday morning- We register early and sit in some seats to knit. Then all of sudden the client points out a person. Whom should it be? Carol N. from OP. If any of you had pointed out that Carol was going to be there, I sure did not notice! Sham on either you or me!! We all sat next to each other at the Victorian Lace seminar. IF THEY HAD THE BOOK THERE, THREE COPIES WOULD HAVE BEEN PURCHASED! It was lovely. (So now if you want one, go to Amazon). There were several examples of the items in the book. In the words of the client "Quite Lovely". After all, she has an English background and is an experience lace knitter. Teachers were introduced. L. Chin displayed her yarn bag(which I did not see a vendor selling) and the editor joked about an info mercial. Pretty tacky on her part.

Lunch- Probably the best meal served via the conference. Pluse all the pieces that were exhibited at the morning seminar were modeled. It gave some good insight to the knitters on the future book.

Thursday afternoon - A class with Nancy Bush. It was Nordic Color ways which I presumed would be sort of Dale of Norway, but it was not what I expected. It was more like floating color across the front of your work. Very intersting technic. Learned tons and will keep in mind for the future. She signed my book: Knitting on the Road which Brenda suggested.

Thurs evening- Went to student mixer. Showed a sweater from the local yarn shop owner's pattern and a Dale of Norway vest that I am almost finished, I still need to knit the button band. The Knitters editor threatened square dancing and I could not stand it. Then I went to Market. I went first to Socks that Rock. I purchased several skeins for presents and myself. Then I purchased some lace yarn from Galina. I also purchased some DK/sportweight from a wholesaler. Enough said. I know someone of you are asking about the client's purchases, but with her what happens at market stays at market. Same with Carol. They will only tell the ones that need to know.

I will post about the other days later this week.

Miss ya all.


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