Sunday, February 17, 2008


Sorry it has been so long. I think I have had a mental block about blogging about Athens. It wasn't the easiest trip. I mean traveling was fine. But the feelings. Very alone in a lot of ways. Even more than I had planned with the break up. I tried to acknowledge those feelings.

Oh well I spent the whole week in Athens. If someone was traveling to it now I would say 3 days if you did not stay at the beach. I saw the Acropylis, Temple of Zeus, Hadrian's gate, Lycattos Hill, Panhellinic Stadium (home of 1st modern Olympics in 1896), and the Botannical gardens.

I did some awesome shopping. I bought some worry beads which are almost like a rosary to the Greeks. A cute hoochie mama shirt from Marks and Spencers was purchased. It is a black cami underneath a lace overtop. Really cute and it makes me look skinny. I also purchased a really stylish black handbag from Longchamp. Pink one would be proud.

For Christmas and Boxing Day I hung out at the Botannical Gardens with some romance novels. I tried not to hide in my hotel room. Overall good experience and I am glad I went to a place I always wanted to go too.

Last weekend, I went to a borrel (drink) going away party for someone leaving the company, but the company paid for it. Then I had a good dinner with a new group of people. It was really nice. The weather was gorgeous and Ifinally located a yarn shop somewhere near to me in the town of Goes. I met a lady from work and she took me to the store. 2 sleeveless shells and sock yarn later we grabbed some vino and sat on a terrace enjoying the sun. On Sunday I biked 6-7 miles to Veere which is a quant little town which my boss lives. I walked for a while. It was so nice to get out and feel the sun on my face. Then I ate at the site manager's that night. I am getting a little concerned about the daughter. This maybe selfish of me, but I am starting to make a life here and some friends which I do not think should always include her. I think she needs to create her own life which she is not doing.

I will try and blog later in the week about this weekend and Prague. I think I will be caught up then with my adventures.

P.S. I am glad I dated the Brit. It made me feel that I was still datable. I feel sorry for him, but I can't solve his confusion. There is a couple possibilities here, but we will see.


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